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American Chemistry Council Recognizes Hexion’s EcoBind™ Technology


Sep 19, 2018, 09:00 AM by Kristin Hulse



ACC Ecobind
Hexion’s resin technology advances have enabled engineered wood panel manufacturers to reduce their composite panel emissions – for products such as particleboard, medium density fiberboard and hardwood plywood – by 80 to 90 percent since the early 1980s.  We recently received the Health and Safety Award from the Composites UK Trade Association for our development of a series of lower emitting formaldehyde Cellobond™ phenolic resin for the composite industry, while maintaining its inherent FST (flame, smoke, toxicity) properties (EN45545-2 rail standard). This resin contains one-tenth the free formaldehyde of previous systems resulting in reduced emissions during composite manufacturing while maintaining the reliable performance of phenolic resins.

Find out more about the benefits of engineered wood as featured in the case study here:

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