
Sustainability is not a ‘program’ or a department. For the associates of Hexion, sustainability is a mindset that guides the decisions we make and how we operate. It is integrated into the core of our business, extends to the people we touch every day, and drives our commitment to Responsible Chemistry.

Hexion's Board of Managers provides direct oversight to the Company's global sustainability initiatives.

Hexion uses a “Committee” approach to its framework and corporate focus areas and our sustainability practitioners and champions are embedded in our business teams and functions to facilitate the integration of life-cycle thinking across all Hexion.

governance people talking in office

Recent Compliance Initiatives


Hexion has recently completed several new compliance actions.

  • Adopted a new Social Media Policy that has been translated into eight languages and assigned to associates as a SuccessFactors training course

  • Enhanced its controls on Insider Trading, Anti-trust and Anti-Bribery

  • Enhanced its controls and processes for doing business with competitors

  • Added controls and monitoring of restricted parties and relationships with State Owned entities


The Board of Managers of ASP Resins Holdings LP

  • Scott W. Wolff
  • Michael Lefenfeld
  • Natasha A. Kingshott
  • Aaron Maeng
  • Anna C. Catalano
  • Wayne M. Hewett
  • Christopher D. Pappas

Policies and Commitments

Hexion strives to protect against climate change throughout our business lifecycle by efficiently using natural resources, optimizing existing processes and enhancing products and technologies through continuous innovation. This focus increases stakeholder value by improving the use of resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, engaging our associates, decreasing operating costs and supporting our customers’ sustainability goals.

Addressing climate change starts with Responsible Chemistry. From the demand for energy efficiency to creating bio-based and circular products, science and chemistry play an important role in addressing climate change as we positively address our carbon footprint. Hexion has committed to reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030 based on a 2017 baseline as well as assembling our Scope 3 emissions.

In 2022, Hexion realized a 15% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions against its baseline.  This was accomplished through a robust Energy Management Program focused on reduction of GHG emissions through lower energy use, while reducing operating costs, facility rationalization efforts and investments in renewable energy, such as the installation of solar photovoltaic panels at the Brisbane, Australia location. 

At Hexion, we create innovative performance materials that are the building blocks for critical industries—like construction, agriculture, energy, automotive, and infrastructure protection. Everywhere you look, you will find our materials and people at work to help customers make products that are stronger, safer, and cleaner. Grounded by a history that is deeply-rooted in innovation, we are committed to operating safely and with integrity to build a more sustainable future for all – our associates, our customers, and the communities where we live and work.  

Health & Safety

We will protect the health and well-being of our associates, contractors and visitors. We will continually work to prevent injury and illness and reduce risk. We will respond to EHS concerns to enable prompt learning and action.


We will design, build, and operate our facilities in a manner that helps prevent harm to the public health and environment. We will minimize our environmental impact and promote biodiversity by efficiently using energy, water and raw materials and seeking to reduce greenhouse gas and other emissions.


We will comply with all applicable EHS laws and regulations, operate ethically, and partner with governments and other appropriate stakeholders to develop and implement effective, responsible, science-based legislation and regulations. 


We will engage in the communities in which we operate, communicating openly about our risks, EHS programs and performance, and encouraging transparency and dialogue.  We will seek opportunities to positively impact the communities in which we live and work.  

Product Stewardship

We will develop, produce and distribute our products in a safe and environmentally sound manner. We will educate our associates and communicate with our contractors, customers, and the public on responsible use, handling and disposal of our products. 

Security & Emergency Response

We will implement risk management measures to ensure security of and mitigate risks associated with our operations and transportation of our products.  We will be prepared to respond appropriately to emergencies. 

Continual Improvement

We will establish meaningful EHS performance measures and assessment programs and drive continual improvement in alignment with the Responsible Care® Management System and Guiding Principles.

Hexion Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy and Responsible Care® elements are implemented using the Hexion EHS Management System (EHS-MS).

The Management System

  • Describes the EHS program management expectations for operations globally
  • In the form of corporate standards and guidance tools, establishes the requirements for operation practices and for the management of the organization EHS aspects.
  • Covers the fundamental processes for corporate and facility operations, including governance, environmental, health, safety, process safety, security, transportation and product stewardship.
  • Hexion is implementing the EHS-MS globally with strategies and priorities aligned with Hexion’s obligations and improvement goals.

Since Hexion began training and tracking Severe Incident Factors (SIF’s) in 2013, the Company has decreased SIF injuries by 95 percent between 2013 and 2020. This means that our associates and contractors are experiencing significantly fewer incidents that carry the potential to cause serious or permanent harm. Hexion is very proud of our associates and their commitment to a safety mindset. Our associates are the ones that have made continual improvements in safety possible while striving for zero incidents. 

Ensuring the health and safety of our associates, customers, communities, and stakeholders is a minimum expectation from our value chain and considered our “social” license to operate. We are excited to report that our Occupational Illness and Injuries Rate (OIIR) dropped 0.45 from 0.51 in 2019 and 0.88 in 2018 and our lowest rate ever recorded. This is another indicator of our continued focus and success in addressing safety.

Policies, standards and guidelines are just words – words that instruct us on what to do and what not to do; but a safety mindset is what turns safety policies into a reality. This means living this mindset and attitude, every minute of every day.

We can have the best safety policies, procedures and equipment, but for us to operate in a manner that guarantees that every associate and contractor gets home in the same shape they arrived to work, and remains in that healthy and safe condition, everyone must adopt, commit and practice to living a mindset where safety is paramount 24/7. 

Hexion continues to demonstrate on a global scale its commitment to environmental, health and safety performance through site certification programs such as ISO 14001, ISO 50001, Responsible Care® and OHSAS 45001­.

Most of Hexion’s major manufacturing facilities and product lines have achieved certification or are working toward it—demonstrating the company’s global focus on EHS excellence and the consistency of its efforts.