You know the ones that love to tag along in produced liquids, especially after stimulation treatments. They've got a knack for clogging up pores and forming stable emulsions, causing short and long-term production decline - and in severe cases, even well abandonment.
Fines-Sta 100 is used for fines encountered in crude oil production or generated as a result of hydraulic fracturing or sandstone acidizing. Such treatment can result in a significant increase in the productivity and stabilization of the well, typically for a long period of time (several years in some cases).
Fines-Sta 100 can also cut down on maintenance costs, keeping things efficient and sustainable.
The Fines-Sta 100 fines control agent was used to treat a Repetto oil well with severely declining production. After treatment, the well’s production remained higher than pre-treatment (SPE 20076-MS, 1990).